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Many Say Out-Of-Body Experiences Are A Hoax, But Did Science Prove Them Wrong?

Many Say Out-Of-Body Experiences Are A Hoax, But Did Science Prove Them Wrong?

Have you ever woken up and felt as if you were floating outside of your own body?

Many who've reported having these types of experiences believe they're caused by spiritual or even paranormal forces, while others think they're completely faked. But according to a new study by the Aix-Marseille Université in France, out-of-body experiences (OBE) are linked to a perfectly explainable physical issue.

Neuroscientist Christophe Lopez and other researchers compared two sets of 210 patients matched by the same ages and genders. One set had a history of dizziness, while the other did not.

About 14 percent of those who did suffer from dizziness reported having out-of-body experiences. As one stated, it felt "like I'm outside of myself. I feel like I'm not in myself.” Only five percent of those who didn't experience dizziness reported OBEs.

Many Say Out-Of-Body Experiences Are A Hoax, But Did Science Prove Them Wrong? Many Say Out-Of-Body Experiences Are A Hoax, But Did Science Prove Them Wrong? Reviewed by great idea on August 08, 2017 Rating: 5

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