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Cat Of The Century Becomes Surrogate Mom Of Orphaned Baby Hedgehogs

When eight baby hedgehogs were left orphaned after their mother was tragically hit by a lawn mower, their caretakers worried they wouldn't make it.

Even though people at the Sadgorod Zoo in Vladivostok, Russia, took the babies in and did their best to bottle and syringe feed them, the little hedgehogs were still refusing to eat on their own after two days. That's when Alyona Asnovina, the deputy director of the zoo, came up with an brilliant idea.

"I saw our cat Musya in the yard. I quickly grabbed her and put her by the baby hedgehogs," she said.

"Actually, following a few seconds they moved toward the feline, they comprehended without a moment's delay what to do, having felt her glow and the possess a scent reminiscent of drain."

"Shockingly, the feline likewise saw in a split second what was anticipated from her. She set down and luckily, the hedgehogs started 
to nurture," Asnovina included.

Watch as the sweet surrogate mom nurses the baby hedgehogs below. She's such a good kitty.

Reviewed by great idea on August 05, 2017 Rating: 5

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