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This Pig's Life Was Off To A Rough Start, But Now He's Having The Best Time Ever

This Pig's Life Was Off To A Rough Start, But Now He's Having The Best Time Ever

For those of us who adore our pets like family, it's difficult to envision ever purposefully deserting them. Lamentably, it happens constantly. 

While the most well-known strays you'd discover meandering the boulevards are felines and pooches, one individual ran over an infant pig on a walkway. The little person who'd later be named Gordo was only three months old and in solitude, yet now he's never desolate because of a kind, mindful woman and some valuable creature amigos.

Meylin Hadad from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, took the adorable nugget in and he's been living his best life ever since. Now he gets all the love and attention he wants...

...plenty of delicious food...

...and tons of other furry siblings at Hadad's personal animal sanctuary.

Check out more of Gordo's story and all of the other adorable animals he lives with below.

If you want to help Hadad continue caring for and rescuing animals in need, you can donate here, and be sure to follow Gordo and his family on Instagram. Share this sweet rescue story with all the animal lovers in your life.

This Pig's Life Was Off To A Rough Start, But Now He's Having The Best Time Ever This Pig's Life Was Off To A Rough Start, But Now He's Having The Best Time Ever Reviewed by great idea on July 08, 2017 Rating: 5

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